XOA is the physical manifestation of a nameless visage, a series of images that explore the sabbatic mysteries in a way rarely seen. Defying definition or description, this series is provided without explanation - for each who approach this body of work must do so under their own volition, with their own intentions, and in so doing reify within their own world-field a new understanding of the cards form and space.

XOA is comprised of a book style box, fronted with a stone carving by Daniel Yates of the works title. Inside is contained 22 large XOA cards plus a title cover card all featuring the artwork of David Herrerias. These are accompanied by two pieces of polished stone carved by Daniel with the sigils of Q’ab and iTz, an area covered in David’s Book of Q’ab iTz published by Atramentous Press. An A5 ‘guide’ card is also provided to foster inspiration in the user.